Sunday, January 28, 2018

Week of 1/29

Stats:  Students will finish chapter six by completing applications of the normal distribution and the central limit theorem.

AP Stats:  Students will compute confidence intervals for the difference of means and proportions.

Practical Algebra 2:Students will solve absolute value equations and inequalities.

Algebra 2:  Students will begin analyzing the graphs of polynomial functions, their roots and their behaviors.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Week of 1/22

Practical Algebra 2:  Students will begin with an intro to class and discuss rules and procedures. Then they will right into chapter 1 and cover lessons 1-3.

Alg 2:  Students will continue working in chapter 5 and cover lessons 1-3.

Stats:  Students will begin working with z-cores and cover lessons 1-2 in chapter 6.

Ap stats:  Students will cover lessons 1-3 in chapter 7 dealing with confidence intervals.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Week of January 15th.

Algebra 2:  We will be starting operations with polynomials.  Students will finish lessons 5-1 and 5-2.

Stats:  We will be testing on chapter 5 Tuesday and moving into normal distributions wednesday.

AP stats:  Next up is confidence intervals:  We will cover lessons 7-1 through 7-3 hopefully by the end of this week.