Sunday, September 27, 2015

Week of September 28th

Geometry: Students will start their week by learning about simple postulates and algebraic properties in Geometry.  Then they will move into the segment addition postulate and complete worksheet 2-7 for homework.  They will finish out their week by doing the angle addition postulate and completing worksheet 2-8.

AP stats:  Students will begin chapter three on measures of central tendency, variation and position.  They will complete each respective assignment and their fast track assignment as well.

Statistics:  Chapter 2 test is Monday!  Students will then begin chapter three on data description.  Homework on measures of central tendency will be given on Wednesday.

Algebra:  Students will continue to solve algebraic equations, next will be two step equations, followed by equations with variables on both sides and then absolute value equations.  They will complete assignments on lessons 2-3, 2-4 and 2-5 for the week.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Week of September 21st

Geometry:  Students will begin the week by reviewing their lesson on Angle relationships.  Then they will move into three dimensional objects and final finish with their chapter 1 test.

Algebra 1:  Students will start the week by writing algebraic equations for given sentences containing problems.  Then they will continue with Solving one step equations.

Stats:  Students will begin by creating a histogram, frequency polygon and O-give for each problem in their previous homework.  They will also then learn stem and leaf plots along with various other statistical graphs.

AP stats:  Students will begin by creating a histogram, dot plots, time series graphs, circle graphs and O-give for each problem in their previous homework.  They will also then learn stem and leaf plots and two way stem and leaf plots along with various other statistical graphs.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Week of September 14th

Geometry:  Students will complete lessons 1-1 reinforcement, 1-4 and 1-5 worksheets for this week.

AP Statistics:  Students will have their first test on Tuesday for chapter 1.  This will be followed by creating frequency distributions and their graphs.  Students will complete lessons 2-1 and 2-2 for homework.

Statistics:  Students will begin chapter two on frequency distributions.  They will complete lessons 2-2 and 2-3 for homework.

Algebra 1: Students will complete lessons 1-5 and its reinforcement worksheet involving solving one or two step equations.  Then they will complete lesson 2-1 and 2-2 for homework.