Sunday, April 17, 2016

Week of 4/17

Geometry:  Students will continue to explore circles, central angles, arcs and inscribed angles.  Then they will move into secants and tangent lines to a circle.  Students will complete lessons 10-3 through 10-5 this week.

Algebra 1:   Students will begin operations involving polynomials.  These will include adding, subtracting and multiplying.  Students will complete lessons 8-1 and 8-2 for homework.

AP Stats:  Students will take their chapter 8 test on Tuesday.  Then we will move into regression analysis for the remainder of the week.

Stats:  Students have begun hypothesis testing for means and will complete lessons 8-3 and 8-4 for homework. 

Monday, April 4, 2016

Week of 4/4

Geometry:  Students will be finishing chapter 8 with a test on Wednesday.  Then they will begin learning about circles and their properties.

Stats:  Chapter 7 test is on Wednesday!  Chapter eight will bring in hypothesis testing.  Students will finish 8-2 for homework this week.

AP STATS:  Students will finish hypothesis testing this week and they will complete lessons 8-3 through 8-5 for homework.  Their fast track will also be due next Wednesday and their test will be on Wednesday as well.

Algebra 1:  We are currently working on Scientific Notation.  Worksheets 8-4 will be done this week.  Also, please begin to encourage your students to prepare for the Keystone Exams and stress the value of performing well under the pressure of a state test.