Monday, September 20, 2010

week of 9/20

Pssa math
Monday-Friday: Students will finish standards from anchor A and begin working on standards from anchor B.

For Monday-Tuesday, students will be working on lesson 2-2. They will complete homework on pg 75, #s 1-6, 11-18 and 21-36 multiples of 3. For Wednesday-Friday students will learn how to solve right triangles in lesson 2-4. Then they will complete work on page 87, #s 2 and 12 -45 multiples of 3.

Monday-Tuesday: Students will construct histograms, frequency polygons and ogives by completing exercises 2, 3, 5 and 20 on page 58. Then for Wednesday-Friday, students will learn to construct circle graphs, stem and leaf plots and pareto charts.

Monday-Tuesday: Students will complete exercises on exponential and logarthmic functions found at the end of lesson 1-5, #s 2-24 even and 38,40,41 and 42. Then for the rest of the week, students will learn how to graph inverse trig functions and identify their domain and range.

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